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Needham Sportsman's Club Photo Archive.  Click on images to open in pop-up window.

Fall Stocking - 24th October 2023

A beautiful holdover rainbow trout caught and safely released by Brad

(Early October 2023)

NSC Pig Roast (June 2019)

Opening Day (April 2019)

NSC Clubhouse Decoration Committee (Bill Hagar, Rollie Johnson, Dennis Martin, Mike Herman

NSC Clubhouse Decoration Committee

Opening Day (October 2015)

Dennis Martin with a nice brown trout on opening day

First Fish of the Day

Opening Day (April 2016)

Bill Della Russo with a nice opening day rainbow trout

First Fish of the Day

Opening Day (October 2014)

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Opening Day (April 2013)

Opening Day (April 2006)

Opening Day (October 2004)

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